Bank Of India Apprentice Recruitment 2025 (400 Posts) – Apply Online
Name of the Post: Bank of India Apprentice 2025
BOI Recruitment 2025. Bank of India is currently accepting applications for 400 posts of Apprentice. This recruitment offers a formal opportunity for individuals interested in joining the Apprentice Post in Bank of India. Those candidates who are interested in this vacancy can read the Notification and Apply Now for Bank of India Apprentice Recruitment 2025.
Post Date: 01-03-2025
Advertainment No: – 2024-25/04
Total Vacancy: 400 Post
Information: Bank of India has released an employment notice for Apprentice Posts. This is a good opportunity for those students who are preparing for a competition exam. Anyone who wishes to fill this vacancy should check their eligibility in the official notification and apply online for this vacancy. This vacancy can be filled by going to the official website of Bank of India. We have given the link below from where you can apply directly.
Application Fee :
For All Category Except SC/ST/PWBD Candidates | Rs. 800 + GST |
For SC/ ST/All Women Candidates | Rs. 600 + GST |
For PwBD Candidates | Rs. 400 + GST |
Payment Mode: Through online payment modes
Important Dates :
Apply online starting date | 01-03-2025 |
Last Date | 15-03-2025 |
Last date and time for payment online | 15-03-2025 |
Age Limit : (as on 01-01-2025)
Minimum Age | 20 Years |
Maximum Age | 28 Years |
Age Relaxation is applicable as per rules
Qualification :
The candidate must possess a graduate degree in any discipline from a recognized
university or any equivalent qualifications recognized by central government. The candidate should have passed his/her graduation degree between 01.04.2021 and 01.01.2025..
Important Links:
Apply online: – Click Here
Official website: – Click Here
Notification: – Click Here
Selection for engagement of apprentices would be based on the basis of (i) online written test and (ii) test of local language
The structure of online examination will be as under:
S.N. | Name of the Tests | Number of Questions | Maximum Marks |
1 | General / Financial Awareness | 25 | 25 |
2 | English Language | 25 | 25 |
3 | Quantitative & Reasoning Aptitude | 25 | 25 |
4 | Computer Knowledge | 25 | 25 |
Total | 100 | 100 |
Bank reserves the right to modify the structure of the examination which will be intimated through its official website.
The Total duration of examination would be 90 minutes. The above tests except the Test of English Language will be available bilingually, i.e. English and Hindi. The test of English Language will be of qualifying nature i.e. Marks obtained in English Language will not be added while preparing merit List. The minimum qualifying marks in English, General/ Financial awareness, Quantitative & Reasoning Aptitude and Computer Knowledge will be decided by Bank at its sole discretion. Qualifying marks stipulated above are for General/EWS Category candidates. Candidates belonging to the Category SC/ST/OBC/PWD, filling in vacancies reserved for the relevant category, will be entitled to a relaxation of 5% marks in relation to that stipulated for general category candidates.
The candidate applying for vacancies of a particular state, should be proficient (reading, writing, speaking and understanding) in any one of the local languages of that state (to be specified at the time of calling the applications). The test of local language will be conducted after qualifying the online written examination. Candidates who fail to qualify this test will not be engaged for apprenticeship. Candidates who produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/certificate evidencing having studied the specified opted local language will not be required to undergo the language test.
How fill online form: –
You can fill your form online by going to the official link. To fill the online forum, you have to fill all the information asked in the form correctly. Whatever documents are asked from you, you have to upload all those documents online. Before filling the online forum, get your passport size photo taken and your signature scanned with a scanner because while filling the online forum, photo and signature have to be uploaded.
While filling the online forum, keep all your documents with you so that you can easily fill whatever information is asked while filling the forum.
Bank of India released the recruitment notification for the post of Apprentice. Official Notification available on official website of Bank of India. Instructed candidates regularly check website for future updates.