More than 150 Most Important One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 6

More than 150 Most Important One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 6 1. Allowance due to a wife from her husband on separation – Alimony (भरण-पोषण भत्ता) 2. Specializes in nose diseases – Rhinologist (नासा चिकित्सक) 3. An army officer who is below a captain in rank. – Lieutenant (नौसेना अधिकारी) 4. A … Read more

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 5

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 5 1. A hater of women – Misogynist (नारी द्वेषी) 2. One who collects coins- Numismatist (मुदाशास्त्री) 3. Angry at injustice. – Indignant (रोष) 4. Anxious to help somebody. – Solicitous (ध्यान रखने वाला) 5. That can be perceived by the senses. – Perceptible (अनुभवगम्य) … Read more

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 4

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 4   1. He grows mangoes, guavas, bananas and pineapples. – Fruits (फल) 2. All the members of the committee were of one mind on this issue. – Unanimous (सर्वसम्मत) 3. The worship of idols or images- Idolatry (मूर्तिपूजा) 4. Something that is poisonous or … Read more

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 3

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 3   1. One who retires from society and lives alone – Recluse (वैरागी) 2. The study of the origin and history of words – Etymology (शब्दसाधन) 3. A person who breaks into a house in order to steal – Burglar (सेंधमार) 4. A list … Read more

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 2

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 2   1.  A pen for small animals – Hutch (पिंजरा) 2. One who walks in sleep- Somnambulist (नींद में चलनेवाला) 3. A short poem or speech addressed to the spectators after the conclusion of a drama – Epilogue (उपसंहार) 4. One who loves … Read more

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 1

Most Important 200 One Word Substitution for SSC and Various Exams. Part 1  A person who rides horses in races as an occupation- Equestrian (घुडसवार)   Group of people living together in the same locality – Community (संप्रदाय)   Soldiers who fight on horseback – Cavalry (घुडसवार फौज)   Call upon God or any other … Read more

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